The Mubbla Buggs are a Minneapolis rock & roll band established in 1986.

In 2024 They are performing every third Thursday at the Schooner Tavern in Minneapolis 7:00 to 10:00. They perform mostly original works along with their versions of covers this welcoming and intimate space.

The Buggs kicked off 2023 with the release of their video Colouramic (clink link right). Early in the year they were joined by lively & skilled drummer Jared Hemming. They played several shows in the Twin Cites including the Hook & Ladder and Groovin’ In The Garden (Como Park). The Mubbla Buggs also did their first trip abroad with a mini tour to Besigheim Germany.

The Buggs as seen below: Nathan Anderson (guitar and vocals), Pat Mavity (guitar and vocals), Jared Hemming (drums) and Eric Hohn (bass and vocals).

Originally a power pop punk trio, Minneapolis Central High school friends Eric Hohn & Nathan Anderson along with Dave Bleeker on drums. Dave left early in the band’s history but made his mark playing percussion on the track Slo on the release Preview. Dave was replaced on drums by Mark Celestino who recorded on Preview as well. Childhood friend Pat Mavity soon joined to form the core group. Eventually Drummer Michael Bland was recruited into the band bringing heavy dance beats until he was discovered by fellow Minneapolis Central High School musician Prince to become drummer for the New Power generation.

The Buggs made the rounds in Minneapolis music scene of the mid to late 80’s into the 90’s and beyond. Noteworthy clubs were The Uptown Bar, The Cabooze, 7th Street Entry, First Avenue, and their home club the 400 Bar.

Other musicians included Phil Scott on guitar for a brief stint.

Drummers included Greg McFarland, Bob Joslyn, Dave Pedersen, Bill Bailey, Kenny Cahlahan (nicknamed the pretty drummer by Michael Bland) and others.

The Mubbla Buggs continued working with Michael when he was available between touring dates. Guest drummers were the norm with a revolving caste of Minneapolis top drummers including Ipso Facto’s Greg & Juleta MacFarlaine, Mint Condition’s Stokely Williams, PJ & the Zen Terrorist’s Dave Pedersen, Run Westy Run’s Bob Joslyn, and more. They played extensively in the Twin Cities and regionally.

The Mubbla Buggs are back on the scene as of 2023, ready to rock Minneapolis once more.